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  • 2 editing tricks the new Call of Duty Season 5 trailer used to hook you.

2 editing tricks the new Call of Duty Season 5 trailer used to hook you.

They're good. Really good.

If you don’t know the behind the scenes of trailer editing, you didn’t even know these 2 things were hooking you into the game…

By showing the shadows when you first start watching, they show that there is something coming, something taking over. Then it cuts to “Shadow” and you know the answer is there’s a new player, a new threat.

They constantly show shadows.

Fight scene -> shadow of the fight scene

Someone walking around the map -> shadow come over them

Scene -> shadow

They’re reinforcing the new theme. With. Every. Cut.

That’s not all… They do one more thing that hooks you..

Their sound design creates the rhythm and the cutting pattern. If you listen closely, you’ll hear it.

You’ll hear how they increase your heart rate and adrenaline. They do it through the increasing speed of drones, hits, and cuts.

Starts slow. Ends fast.

But that’s not all…

They use the gun sounds to accent the rhythm and keep you invested. If you listen to the beat of the trailer, you’ll catch how they use it.

3 bullet shots to accent 3 hits in the music.

Then they do it again with 4 bullet shots, 4 hits in the music.

They’re creating focus.

Focus on the exciting fights that you’ll have.

Focus on the new maps, new guns, new experiences.

That’s how they are getting you excited.

The trailer is truly a master piece in editing.

Watch it below 👇

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Until next time fellow editors and edit enthusiasts,
