📝 A Complex Timeline Doesn't Mean You're A Good Editor.

Yup. I said it.

Dear readers,

Building out a beefy timeline for your videos doesn’t mean you’re a good editor. The real question to ask is: Does everything I’ve added help the story or goal of the video? 

If it doesn’t, you’re adding unnecessarily and you need to simplify.

It’s a lot like amateur graphic designers who try to fill all the white space. A professional knows that in a good design, white space is necessary.

Think about your edits the same way. You don’t always need a sound effect or music. Sometimes you don’t need anything but to play the dialogue raw.

I’ve seen the Tweets and messaging about what the timeline of a “good” editor vs. the timeline of a “bad” editor. Don’t get discouraged by seeing this messaging. If you believe you need a filled-out timeline, you’ll get there with time. While you build your skill, focus on the story you want to tell and how to best tell it.

‘til next time,


p.s. Respond to this email with your thoughts. I’d love to hear them :)