Editing Breakdown #1 - More Inserts and Animation

I broke down the edit on this creator’s video to better understand what they could do better.

Instead of editing tips this week, I decided to break down an edit on a YouTube video to help provide some ideas on how the creator could do better in the future.

I enjoy doing these breakdowns. They help me get better and now I hope that they help you become a better editor.

If you enjoy this breakdown, let me know. As I do more of them over time, I hope to put more videos in each newsletter for you. But for now we start with one.

VIDEO: Why it's easier to copy MrBeast than Casey Neistat - and what you can learn from both

CREATOR: Benjamin Jaksch

PROBLEM: Not enough context.

This video was full of great information. The creator talks about the difference between Mr. Beast and Casey Neistat. Well worth a watch as a refresher on the difference between relationship based creators and idea based creators.

To me this video was:

  • Well researched

  • Fit the relaxed and calm learning vibe the creator was going for

  • Articulated the information in an easy to understand way

However, there are some changes that I think could take this video to the next level:

  • Photos of the creators instead of YouTube user screenshots.

  • More B-roll inserts. When this creator would talk about Casey Neistat or Mr. Beast, he could add more insterts cutting away from his talking head and providing more context to what he was discussing.

  • More and better titles. There were a couple of times I was hoping text would appear on screen to visually see what the creator was talking about. For example, put a title card over the whole screen when talking about the definition of a term.

Overall, I think the video did a great job of creating an easy to understand way to look at the creator spectrum popularized by Colin & Samir, but was lacking in the B-roll that could make the video even better. As a viewer, I felt like something that could accentuate what the creator was talking about was missing in certain spots.

I look forward to seeing how this creator grows in their editing over time. If you noticed anything that could make this video even better, let me know, I’d love to hear your insight as well!

Until next week’s breakdown,
