Learn More About Editing From These 4 Editors

The 4 editors sharing their insights from their years of editing.

I've noticed a recent shift in editing content on YouTube. And I'm here for it.

It's a shift that is in the benefit of YouTube editors and editors as a whole.

There really hasn't been too much content on how to find work as an editor or what it means to tell great stories through editing until recent.

Most of the voices coming out and talking about editing now were behind the scenes until the past couple of years.

Let's talk about this change and who's leading the charge.

This change is a great thing for all editors. It's sharing knowledge which can help every editor from beginner to advanced.

If we look at The Editing Podcast. Started by Hayden Hillier-Smith and Jordan Orme. They started the podcast to connect with other editors, learn more about editing, and share their own knowledge with up and coming editors.

Hayden started out like many of us making YouTube videos with his friends. He went to film school and found his way working with Logan Paul for many years before leaving to go freelance and work with many other YouTubers.

Jordan went to film school and became a music video editor before starting his own YouTube channel around music video editing in 2020. He now has multiple YouTube channels, does consultations, and still edits while sharing what he knows or has learned.

It's one of the most valuable podcasts for editing. There's so much to learn from what they talk about. Editors get to learn about the people behind the scenes of TV, film, music videos, and YouTube. It teaches them how different editors and creators think about editing and storytelling.

Then we've got Tony Santos and Sam Woodhall sharing their experiences and content around editing that can help editors learn.

Tony has been Thomas Frank's editor for many years and is now starting to branch out and build his own platform to teach editors what he knows and share his journey.

Sam has been an editor for many years and worked with streamer Harris Heller. Now he's going be sharing what he's learned in his journey as an editor on his new channel Post Box.

These are all great voices in the space to pay attention to right now. Each of them are coming from different backgrounds and sharing what they've learned and what they wish they would've known when they started.

This content for editors is so important, especially those who are just getting started. As YouTube has matured, it's become a place where creators can build a business that supports a team or outsource what they don't want to do.

One important role on that team is their editor. When listening to these amazing editors talk about their experiences, if you're just starting out or looking at getting into the YouTube game, they'd be a great resource for you.