What do you sacrifice first in your edit?

Walter Murch has an great statement on this...

Hey all!

It’s time for some more editing tips. Editing tips that will help you get better.

This week and from now on though, I’m going to be curating the best advice that I’m learning from around the internet and chats with other editors.

Here’s a quick run down of awesome resources for this week:

A Quote from Walter Murch

Walter Murch is a legend in the editing space. He has inspired and taught many editors how to tell a story through an edit that actually achieves the goal the editor wants.

“If you have to give up something, don’t ever give up emotion before story. Don’t give up story before rhythm, don’t give up rhythm before eye-trace, don’t give up eye-trace before planarity, and don’t give up planarity before spatial continuity”

Walter Murch - In the Blink of an Eye

A Video About Editing

This video from Hayden Hillier-Smith is another amazing video about how his editing process when editing for Logan Paul. He talks to the editor who took replaced him when he left about how the style was maintained. It’s a great lesson in how to tell a story, use motifs, and working with a defined style.

A Tweet

This Tweet from Corey Frost is an amazing insight into how to cut a montage from Alfred Hitchcock himself. Take a look and maybe it’ll help you learn more about editing montages. It definitely helped me!

I hope these resources help you find more inspiration in an edit or even help you get 1% better this week.

Not every week will be a resource mash up like this, but I want to do my best to provide you with quality editing tips and resources however I can.

Let me know what you think of this new format by responding to this email.

Until next week,
